Sunday, March 18, 2012

Back to the Beginning

Well here I am back to the beginning of my "healthy eating" phase, not only am I not sticking to the Atkins but I basically fell straight off the wagon into a pile of McDs. (I am pretty much groaning at the thought of it) Well the interesting thing is though, with my walking to uni, I do notice that things have started to move around at bit. My jeans have become a little more looser and dresses that I picked up overseas have now also become looser. I however refuse to look at the scales just yet, I want to get my eating habits under control and I hope that with this constant picking myself back up and keep going attitude will not only help get there but will also help be consistent.

So here is where I am at:
  • I walk 4 days a week for an hour (30mins to uni and 30mins back)
  • I do not have an establish eating habit, only that I do eat 3 meals a day at most 
  • I still have yet to drink more than one cup of water today
Now 1/3 is not bad for healthy lol, but yeah I can see that certain things do need to improve a.s.a.p now that I am 4 week in to uni; so I should a) have no life and b) by having no life I can focus on myself and not others! (but I still love everyone in my life!) 

Now no more blog writing, must get back to essay writing....



Friday, March 2, 2012


How do you consider the best time to change your eating habits? Seriously this is something that has been bugging me ever since I started reading this Atkins book. My lifestyle does not help my habits, being on a low income and not having consistent hours to sleep, but what I am really trying to say is I do have a lack of routine which I do believe is affecting my eating habits, resulting in the bulge I have come to despise.