Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The curve balls in Life

Well Murphy's Law is in full swing this week, I finally got around to getting rid of my last boxes in my room, only to find that I have to move again! One of my two head tenants decided to move into an apartment while the other, does not want to be on the lease without the other head tenant, dilema much! well fortunately I did not have to look too far to find new digs, it is a bedsit that also take my kitty cat.. It will be the first time that I have ever had a bedsit (room that is not part of the house) I am looking forward to it, however fingers crossed my kitty a) doesn't run away and b) can cope living near a dog...

There was a stressful moment before I got the bedsit about finding a place to live within 4 weeks, you might think that is plenty amount of time; however I do need to mention that I am going to Australia for 2 weeks this coming Monday (2nd of July) so I really only had 2 weeks to look for a place!! Thank god for friends and spare rooms!

So whereabouts in Australia am I going? Brisbane of course! I fly in to Brisbane and then drive down to Sydeny with my father and uncle. Lets say that this will be an interesting trip as I hardly spend more than a day with my father who some can relate to, can rub you up the wrong day within in no time. There will be wine tasting in Vineyards, hopefully sightseeing to local hotspots and lastly catching up with family!

With my digs sorted bring on Brisbane I say!
