Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Procrastination Wednesday 30th Jan

Photo from Pinterest

Happy Procrastination Wednesday

How are you today? Here in New Zealand I had Monday off to celebrate my city's anniversary, Auckland Anniversary that is. We have been having amazing weather, which of course I have been talking full advantage of! Now that I am not working in my compulsory work placement I have found it a struggle to keep up with content, but never fear I am if not stubborn and there is still content for this week.. Just makes me think why do we procrastinate in our jobs when we are paid to complete tasks?

So onward and upwards here is my content for this week:

  • Everyone sees social media as the forefront of positivity, but what if there is are some down falls that people do not take into consideration when they jump into this world. 
  • I now drink lemon water, it is so yummy! it helps me consume more water everyday..as I am not the best at drinking my 8 glasses of water.
  • Now, I came across this article about a proposal that I never expected, do out there proposal mean that there is a more likelihood that the person will say yes?
  • I may be getting old, but this piece definitely reminds me that yes, yes I am getting older and might be starting to get stuck in my ways....but in a funny way.
  • A man in New Zealand called Gareth Morgan has proposed that the government think about slowly eradicating domestic cats, as they supposedly destroying our native bird wildlife. However his accusations have holes in it and being a cat lover myself definitely did not see eye to eye on his declaration. So when I came across this article about how to turn Mr Morgan into a cat lover; I could not help but share it with all of you.
So my pretties enjoy the rest of your week, have a laugh.

Peace Out


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Procrastination Wednesday 23rd Jan

Photo from Pinterest

Happy Procrastination Wednesday

This week has been up and down for me, the good and the not so good! I haven't been able to work on my vlog yet, due to unforeseen restrictions. Nevertheless we all with continue on, after all isn't that what life is for? to challenge us in many ways. Keep up the good work my friends!

  • This week I discovered a beauty website based in little old New Zealand that provides items such as Urban Decay and Elf! I watch a lot of beauty channels and lots of Gurus talk about these products. But since being on the other side of the world it is quite expensive, however this site is reasonable priced and is based locally, yes!!! So that where some of my paycheck will be going, Mucho Gusto. 
  • I have noticed that my preference lately is Beauty & Fashion, but knowing me it will change sooner or later, however I found this article on shopping tips which were very handing indeed!
  • Also who doesn't need more sparkle in their lives right now?!
  • On the organisation note, this article about organising your beauty corner is perfect for the organiser in all of us.
  • This brought me to attention about what not to write when describing yourself, it quite surprised me that people use a lot of these adjectives...
  • For starters in beauty, look at this article on what type of brushes you should use when applying make-up; it is very educational.
So lovely's enjoy your week! Do let me know about any tips or tricks that you have come across..

Peace Out


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Procrastination Wednesday

Photo from Pinterest

Happy Procrastination Wednesday!

I hope everyone's week is going well! I am snowed under a bit at work (not so fun) but not to worry I did find some links that I want to share with you...

  • So I look at "How to Cleanse in 2013" some ideas were good, others I am not sure I would actually do as it a) might be expensive and b) not really my thing.
  • As part of my research for my degree I have been looking into Organisational Culture and this article really made me think about how we perceive things in the work place.
  • I have been really good staying with my New Years Resolutions (currently) but I am tempted to make this Sangria reciepe, it just looks so tasty!!!
  • Lastly since I have been busy, have a look at my kitty board....yes this is the makings of a crazy cat lady!
Now I hope your week is a success and I will see you next Wednesday

Peace Out


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Procrastination Day

Happy Procrastination Day! 

So I have discovered from observing myself, that my worst day for procrastination is on a Wednesday. Yes the hump day people! the hump day is the middle of the working day week. You are half way through the week and it is not coming fast enough... So what do you end up doing? Procrastinating of course! Therefore I have decided in an attempt to be productive is to make a post every Wednesday with the things that I have looked at while procrastinating.

Feel free to enjoy!

I could go on but then it would most likely just be general stuff that everyone looks at i.e. clothes and online deals.

Peace Out


Monday, January 7, 2013

Stage One: The Move

Photo from GatorMoving

Stage One: The Move

Well as an experienced mover I can say that there are certain precautions everyone should take, below I have provided suggestions such as:

Always make sure you have the right amount of packaging

This is a vice a lot of people seem to fall on, you are either at one end of the spectrum. For me I end up having too many boxes that I do not know what to do with. It is important to make sure that you use packaging correctly. What I mean is packing the boxes full, using newspaper or bubble wrap to protect your fragile, not just throwing everything at random into a box. Find a method, my method consists of putting in a box items that will be arranged together; for example: from my side cabinet I put all the items into one box, however if there is spare room in the box, I put items from the other side cabinet to full it up. Overall it is just really important to use up all the room in your boxes, not only does it mean that you use less, but it could also save you money, depending on how your mover chargers.

Label everything!

It doesn't need to be anything fancy, you can just use a permanent marker and write on the boxes. That is what I do, I find it ends up being messy if I use post-it notes or quality stationary. The benefits of labeling is that when you are in your new destination you can put the boxes in the right room and it saves the unnecessary opening of all boxes to find where everything is. Plus if you have packed you boxes similar to I do, then you can easily put everything away in the place you want, making it more efficient!

Find a company or people that you can trust

The last piece of the puzzle is to when you everything is packed, you need to be secure in knowing whoever moves your stuff will be respectful and diligent. For the last few years I have had family move me, it was only last year that I used a company, which ended up being family related! If I had known this earlier then I would have used the company! If you are unsure where to hire a moving company, ask relatives (they can be a source of information!) also look in your local directory or Google local movers in your area. Research! see if there is feedback on their services, look at pricing and lastly do not rush into anything. Evaluate and decide what is the best choice for you! You do not want to book a company and the have to pull out because you found something better or family have offered to help.

Well then I move this weekend, so I will document how it goes and will let you know if there is anymore information I can provide.

Peace out