Thursday, December 13, 2012

Redesigning my life

I am moving on January 12th to a new flat, if any of you have taken note in my blog is that I have already moved in 2012 and now I move in 2013. I do not know what it is but I fully believe that I am cursed when it comes to staying settled in one place. But now it is going to change! I am fully confident that this new place I am moving into will be solid for more than a year, or at least until I get over to England *laughs*

It has almost reached to a point that it is tiring to keep moving so much, this year alone I have moved twice. One due to a friendship gone wrong and both of us were on the lease, second that my next head tenants wanted to leave as they had lived in the flat for about 3 years. Not having the best of luck. What do you do when every place you end up, it is only a matter of time (short time) that you have to move again? One thing is I definitely refuse to live with my parents, as much as I love them, we function more harmoniously when I do not live permanently with them.

When this move happens I will be one step closer to graduating, and one of my new years revolutions is to be more organised with myself. Now in the past and I know people can agree with me, is that when you set goals it is pretty rare that all can be achieved. However this one goal in particular I want to achieve, because I know this goal will filter down into other goals. The goal is to keep my room organised, not a large goal I have to say, but my room reflects to a point my life; which is CHAOS. My degree is Business majoring in Management, which when I think about it makes me laugh! I can organise and delegate everyone around to produce a successful outcome, but when it comes to my life, zilch  nada, not even close to sorting out my room. Which I would like to point out is my life in there. 

So in a nutshell I will blog about sorting, purchasing and organising my shift. It will include sorting out items that you know you shouldn't really need and the trick of shifting from a large room to a smaller one. Believe me where I am moving to is a lot smaller!

Also for any of you that are in the same situation like me I found this cool website with tips and ideas to help with the big day!

Happy New Year everyone and have a Merry Christmas


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Working & Studying

It has been just a little over 2 weeks that I have now been in my work placement, I am pretty impressed that I have managed to go 2 full weeks of working full time! What makes it even more crazy is that I am looking at my surrounding environment and for the first time my studies have started to sink in. This revelation has definitely given me a more positive look into the relevance of the importance of study for the workplace. 

I noticed the first few days at the job, that I was trying to connect what I had studied with the tasks that were required of me. What I came to realise pretty quickly was that as much as theory is there to provide guidelines, you need to see the process of how it is down within the organisation first.  My organisation I work for have got some great processes, for a small business it is very effective in retaining vital documents. However the restructure has thrown all these documents into an array and it is my task to sort out the chaos, which I have come to realise that I really really like.

What I have found is this article it was really interesting to read, yes it is common sense; but what I have discovered is that while I may think it is common sense, may not be to someone else. I also have come up with another way to improve my blogging to make it more fun and I hope that you our there in the internet world that happen to stumble across it will enjoy it too!

Peace Out


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Summer Pinterest

Photo from Pinterest

Now that summer is finally knocking on our door step (for those who are in the southern hemisphere) everyone try's to get into better habits. Myself being one of them. However I had started earlier (with eating and exercise) but found that I literally fall off the wagon time and time again, but in my defense I keep getting back on that frustrating wagon. So I have set myself a challenge, to use visual media i.e. Pinterest to motivate me and keep me on track. Along with a goal to meet, doing a baby triathlon in February, a very good goal to work towards I think!!

Photo from Pinterest

I really am determined to get to that point were fitness is about of my life not a chore but something I choose to do because I like it. Hmmmm that might take a while, but it is always good to have a goal and a realistic one too. So Pinterest will you be the benefactor in getting me motivate to improve all aspects of my body and mind? or will you just irritate the hell out of me?

Will report back on the weeks findings,


Friday, October 12, 2012

Distraction to a Procrastinator

It has come to my attention, that being a procrastinator is tough, not only are you always looking for an excuse to do something else; you end up achieving almost nothing. (It is surprising that I have made it through uni). This assumption came to me only minutes ago, when I still haven't finishing reading my journal article, I just thought I could figure out the ending from what I have read.

So as a token of good faith and kindness I am going to pass on my distraction to you:
I have started reading online magazines and I have to say they are rather refreshing than flicking through the glossy magazines that you get from the supermarket, yes they have fashion and beauty tips and who is sleeping with who, but you don't find such articles as "When guys just want to be friends" or "how to make the most delicious peanut butter chocolate cake", seriously these articles that I am finding are hellishly more interesting than the typical articles talking about how to get a guy to like you.

I have decided everything I  find awesome I am going share it with you, and if you start getting addicted just like me, I take no responsibility for my actions!
Here are a few that I happened to have found today:
  •  If you are not a Liam Neeson fan you have not lived
  •  To be honest I fully agree that over-sharing on certain personal thing is too much!
Talk soon


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Finding the ending

Picture from Shirley

Well the deadline is close, I am almost at the end of my degree! I cannot believe how quickly it has come round, I however can relate to feeling at times when there was no light at the end of the tunnel; but now I can see it and it is getting brighter!

Seeing the light has brought somethings to mind, such as my future project the wayward professional; to be honest I am quite excited that I will get to do some personal research the interests me and maybe it could help others who have similar concerns. It is like being a baby and learning to crawl before I can walk, how will I go about the research? will I have enough time? will I get bored and forget about it? Well then I will have to treat it as an assignment and put deadlines on my goals to get things done!

I do know one this and that is I want to make my website relevant and successful and my favourite blogger Gala Darling has definitely got me motivated, let's hope that the motivation hangs around after I finish my exams and assignments....

One thing I do know is that this idea I have not been able to shake, the idea of creating a blog about the first 5 years of work life after you finish university; the transition from years of studying to using the skills you have obtained to make a successful career for yourself.

Well we will just have to wait and see won't we


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The trip away from home

Wellington City, New Zealand

We all have these kinds of trips, I believe the saying is a home away from home; I know that is really meaning more along the lines of another country more than another city within you're country but hey, here in New Zealand it cost at least a grand to go to a country that is not in the Pacific Islands or Australia.

So for me, my home away from home is Wellington, a very good friend of mine lives there and I am finally getting to go visit her! However one day I am down there she is working, so being the super awesome person I am, I have looked up places to shop for the day. Wellington is well known for it's shopping and attractions; as I have already been to the Te Papa museum a few times, I am determined to find some bargains! I will make sure to be uber cool and take photos of the places I find these bargain and maybe if I am good I will write a review.

On a side note, I like to say the one things that astounds me is how violent social sports can be! I got this injury last night from my indoor netball game; but strangely I am not angry, I just find it funny that I was that determined to win that I fully injured myself to make sure, and proudly I can point out that my team did win the game!! Injuries to intrigue me as they are the results of us pushing ourselves beyond our limits, though however I cannot complain about my finger because my team mate my have broken her ankle, now that is dedication!
Have a awesome weekend everyone,

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Inspiring myself and other graduates

Well not only am I deciding to get a professional domain name, but I have also found an outlook to write about which I feel is important to me. It is almost time to finish up the degree and head into the workforce; but what struck me was "what do I do to get into the workforce?" and also has University actually given me the skill's the is needed to cope with work culture and expectations?

Therefore my website is going to be the findings of what it is like to transition from University to Work, I want to research about the effects positive and negative that having a degree has. Along the way I know I will write about topics in the workplace that I am sure so people would agree on, but I do think that it is important to study the shift. I have heard from vast sources that people find it easy to get jobs and while other people struggle to even get an interview, is there a reason to this? are some people simply missing the basic steps into getting an interview? or do some people just have ridiculously good luck? Plus do we have to take into consideration that external effects such as the economy may restricit us in certain fields?

Many questions, lots to answer and its all really exciting; but I do have to remember that I am still studying at the moment and that comes first! Because otherwise how am I going to do quality research if I do not have a degree myself?

Food for thought



Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Big Leagues

Well it now has come a time to be a bit more professional, and by meaning a bit more professional it means getting a domain name! Yes I did it, has been established. It currently has nothing on it as I am still trying to figure out how to connect his blog to the website....

What made me make this decision? well it is the last year of my study (fingers crossed) and going out into the big wide world is quite daunting, especially when you have been a student for coming up about 4 years. You get into a routine of things, how much money you have per week or how many (or few) hours you work per week etc.. I thought this blog was intended to be my chronicle of 2012 and what it has in stored for me; but now I want to also continue with what happens after I graduate. That in itself is worth documenting about!

So $16 got me 2 years of the domain name, now I just have to figure out how to connect everything up!

On a side note it is the third week back at Uni and things are already super busy! Not to mention that quite a few of my friends are now having their birthdays! Come on people, I am a student, I am not made of money!



Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The curve balls in Life

Well Murphy's Law is in full swing this week, I finally got around to getting rid of my last boxes in my room, only to find that I have to move again! One of my two head tenants decided to move into an apartment while the other, does not want to be on the lease without the other head tenant, dilema much! well fortunately I did not have to look too far to find new digs, it is a bedsit that also take my kitty cat.. It will be the first time that I have ever had a bedsit (room that is not part of the house) I am looking forward to it, however fingers crossed my kitty a) doesn't run away and b) can cope living near a dog...

There was a stressful moment before I got the bedsit about finding a place to live within 4 weeks, you might think that is plenty amount of time; however I do need to mention that I am going to Australia for 2 weeks this coming Monday (2nd of July) so I really only had 2 weeks to look for a place!! Thank god for friends and spare rooms!

So whereabouts in Australia am I going? Brisbane of course! I fly in to Brisbane and then drive down to Sydeny with my father and uncle. Lets say that this will be an interesting trip as I hardly spend more than a day with my father who some can relate to, can rub you up the wrong day within in no time. There will be wine tasting in Vineyards, hopefully sightseeing to local hotspots and lastly catching up with family!

With my digs sorted bring on Brisbane I say!



Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Florence of a Time

So about a year ago I heard Florence & the Machine, little did I know that I would be going to her concert a year later! It was held at Vector Area, in Auckland and strangely enough it was on a Monday night?! What really drew me about this concert was the fact that there was a large age range, my estimation would be between 15-55, it was really nice to see a mixture of generations. Florence sung the whole hour and a half! She was incredible, some of her pop like songs she sung almost acoustic if was so beautiful. The only let down for me was that I got caught in the rain on the way to the concert and had to stand through the whole things soaking wet! I did however dry off a bit, but was still damp by the time I got home. Overall I would recommend people who are interested in this genre of music to go and see Florence & the Machine, it is worth every penny!

Now back to study, exams are looming and my stress levels are rising!


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Time travel's fast!


I love when you find something that completely inspires you and wraps you up it addiction! My sister-law wrote about having visited this site and that was it, I became completely in love with the Radical Self Love Project by Gala Darling. She not only makes you turn the scope back on yourself but she makes you realise that you should chase your own dreams of happiness and not conform to what society thinks and expects of you! We all conform at sometime, sometimes you have to but Gala is right in saying that you should never lose who you are in light of it. I have been reading all her articles (should be studying, but hey no one is perfect) and it just strengthen how I feel about being me, it make me embrace my inner child or as some of my friend might say my inner cray cray... So most likely the more I read the more I will be happy and the more I will be cray cray (excellent can't wait!)


Where the hell is time going? I know the saying as you get older time goes faster, but this is ridiculous! Seriously, I feel like I blink and BAM! 1 week has flown by.... The fact I am in week 10 of UNI is scary and starting to feel a bit overwhelming, but not to worry I am doing a lot better than last year! which I am soooo stoked about, now its just to make sure that I pass the important parts (end of semester exams and/or assignments) So I will leave it at that, I had my best friends 21st on the weekend, I somehow managed to get up and say something coherently and without embarrassing myself so an overall success!

So good luck everyone, have a fab time! 

Your Cray Cray


Monday, April 9, 2012

2 weeks Freedom... or really?

Goodbye summer, thanks for the memories see you end of the year!

Well now look at that, I have already reached mid semester at Uni and not suffered a brain hemerage in the process (all though at times I felt like I was going to have one). In the last week I managed to do 3 assignments and not end up writing complete utter bullshit...but to be honest there is always a bit of crap written in all assignments, why do you think academic journals are so fricken long! It is almost a complusary skill to have when writing an academic article.

Reflection time...
Mental state: GOOD
Physical state: AVERAGE
Emotional: POSITIVE

So I have been trying to focus on healthy eating and exercise routine, I do have to say I have come a long was since last year where I basically lived off the cheapest and nastiest processed food you can find, drove everywhere or bused. I do notice however that I do have a bit more energy and that I do prefer to work places rather than drive, woop woop improvement! The challenge for me over the next two weeks is to try and keep up 1 hour of walking for 4 days, hmmm that might be difficult since I do not have uni but work instead... NO EXCUSES however so either its change it up and work something out or go back to old habit, which I do not want to do!

Now that I have two weeks off, I am starting to think is it really 2 weeks off? Yes I don't have to go to uni but I am now rostered on to do more work.. Plus on top of that I have to start reading literature review and not just 4 or 5 but 20!!! and I can't get away with reading the abstract cause they what us to write our own interpretation of the article, so yeah really doesn't feel like a break does it.. pffft



Sunday, March 18, 2012

Back to the Beginning

Well here I am back to the beginning of my "healthy eating" phase, not only am I not sticking to the Atkins but I basically fell straight off the wagon into a pile of McDs. (I am pretty much groaning at the thought of it) Well the interesting thing is though, with my walking to uni, I do notice that things have started to move around at bit. My jeans have become a little more looser and dresses that I picked up overseas have now also become looser. I however refuse to look at the scales just yet, I want to get my eating habits under control and I hope that with this constant picking myself back up and keep going attitude will not only help get there but will also help be consistent.

So here is where I am at:
  • I walk 4 days a week for an hour (30mins to uni and 30mins back)
  • I do not have an establish eating habit, only that I do eat 3 meals a day at most 
  • I still have yet to drink more than one cup of water today
Now 1/3 is not bad for healthy lol, but yeah I can see that certain things do need to improve a.s.a.p now that I am 4 week in to uni; so I should a) have no life and b) by having no life I can focus on myself and not others! (but I still love everyone in my life!) 

Now no more blog writing, must get back to essay writing....



Friday, March 2, 2012


How do you consider the best time to change your eating habits? Seriously this is something that has been bugging me ever since I started reading this Atkins book. My lifestyle does not help my habits, being on a low income and not having consistent hours to sleep, but what I am really trying to say is I do have a lack of routine which I do believe is affecting my eating habits, resulting in the bulge I have come to despise.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Well what can I say I really suck at sticking to a regime, not only did I not make it one day, I hardly made it till lunch time. In my defense I do wonder whether these books take into consideration student life styles, to be honest I don't think so. Went to a student mentor training in which they provided lunch, quite healthy I have to say but it was sandwiches and it literally was saying eat me!!!! Therefore to make it more manageable for myself by incorporating bread, I will be sensible and eat more healthier options of bread i.e. not white bread, but wholegrain bread. I figured with my cravings I only need to eat bread in the morning to sustain myself through the day. So more or less it is still a detox..... Yeah I know I ain't a dietian but I am a sucker for bread!

So lets continue...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Finding Balance

So on a whim I decided to purchase an Ebook, not just any Ebook but a dietary one it was on special and you know the voice in the back of your head goes "why not, its cheap". So now I am the owner of the " New Atkins For a New You" thanks fishpond! I really don't know why I have done this maybe it is because of my new years resolution to incorporate vegetables and fruit into my daily diet. Though I never intended to go onto a diet, however many claim that the word "diet" is not always a negative thing, its about balancing the good and the bad and to be frankly honest, I need that more than ever!

As I begin to read this book I decide that maybe I should give this a go, see if the critics are right and that these books do not help you at all! I have to admit this is not one of the best ideas I have had.... but neither the less I am intrigued and that usually means I am going to end up doing something I shouldn't. Oh well it is something different and lets hope that I don't end up becoming a raging angry animals cause this book tells me I can't eat this or I can't eat that..

So as of tomorrow I will start this New Atkins For a New You tomorrow, I will try my best to write on my progress... pre-warned I may to into an angry lunatic after this hehehehe

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Then there was the move

Some people enjoy moving, while others loathe it. I am in the middle, the excitement of moving is always fun, but it is the process you have to go through to get to your next adventure... I have just currently moved to my new place and even though it is not spacious, I can't help but sense a feeling over freedom. My last flat ended Short and sharp with me left with all the rubbish and cleaning to do, also I can't help but feel relieved to have gotten away from the bad vibe that use to be my flat.

Now.... it start the sorting out of all the stuff you have hurriedly put away into bags, boxes and any resemblance of an storage item. If only I was rich enough to have people come pack all my stuff up for me lol

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Like anyone who starts out with new years resolutions you always find that you end up procrastinating somewhere along the line.. Currently I am suppose to be reading over my notes for leadership for summer school which is back tomorrow (sometimes I do wonder to myself why do I do summer school!) But I find myself uploading photos from my new years trip on facebook and reading my vogue beauty book which my facebook wifey lent to me, why is it the we procrastinate? So for procrastination sake here is a definition I found off wikipedia;

"Procrastination may result in stress, a sense of guilt and crisis, severe loss of personal productivity, as well as social disapproval for not meeting responsibilities or commitments. These feelings combined may promote further procrastination"

Yeah.... the definition is a bit intense, so I define procrastination as just really not in the mood/wanting to do what you have to do. Also for your procrastinators out there, if you enjoy a good laugh and somewhat thought provoking watch Jenna Marbles on YouTube. I was recommended to watch by my two friends Bex and Trish, she has some amazing point and makes it funny at the same time!

House Hunting

After looking at my new years resolutions I did find one thing I should have inclued pronto, that is find a house to live in! I have the knack for moving every 6months to a year, there are always reasons i.e. too far from uni and/or the lease is running out and no one wants to renew it..
Now what comes as a difficulty is that I have a meow meow, shes pretty sweet and does have some slight abandonment issues but otherwise it is safe to say that I love her to bits.. The next part is trying to find someone or people to agree with me having a cat, I have a few options to look at old flatties, moving with a friend and even just live with randoms; but what depletes my options is that I need to be out of the house by the 31st of Jan, which is the end of this month. So randoms is looking more suitable unfortunately, so Trademe here I come and fingers crossed somebody takes me!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Time to Start

As always most people start a new year with resolutions, this year I have decided that quite a few changes are in order.

  1. Finish my degree by December 2012 (if that means crazy study and agruging with lecturers then so be it!)
  2. Incorporate vegetables or fruit into each meal of the day
  3. Be more transparent with how I feel (this must be used in a manner which is not people pleasing and not overally selfish on my part)
  4. Complete make-over from head to toe; this will include hair, make-up, clothing and social patterns.
The reasons for these new year resolution is I am tired of being used, mistreated by people and using and treating my body like shit; maybe the saying my body is a temple was not ridiculous after all. I do not know if people are going to read this but I know I will feel better writing it.

So up, up and away, bring on the new Z!!