Monday, September 30, 2013

Spring Overhaul

Photo from Pinterest

It has come to my attention that it is time for a revamp, now that I am not a student anymore (woohoo) I think it is time to make my surroundings represent where I am in my life. Currently it is in a stage of chaos and when I mean chaos I mean I have two types of personalities mixed into one. I have my student life trying to hold strong against my approaching work life, now you may wonder what the hell does that mean?! Here is a summary of it:

  • My wardrobe is a confused mess, it does not distinguish who I am right now! There are different pieces of clothing that I do not wear anymore or that needs to be repaired or even thrown out!
  • When I look at my room I see remnants of a student life over the past 4 years and a mixtures of my new life trying to come through; so merely I have items that I used in my student years that are now gathering dust and newer items trying to fit in to my tiny little room.

As well know that most of us like to spring clean when this season appears, meaning out with the old and in with the new! To be honest I never took the "spring clean" thing seriously but as I matured I realised it is a great way to improve your surrounding for the on coming months and make room for new and exciting things.

So this week I am dedicating my spare time to spring cleaning my wardrobe, my inspiration did come from reading Gala Darling's article on wardrobe taming and that has really got the ball rolling for my spring overhaul.

I will keep you posted on my progress this week via twitter and give you a review at the end of it!



Sunday, September 29, 2013

Wicked - The Muscial

A musical was definitely on my bucket list of things to do, everyone in there life should try and see a musical; I was really happy I went to a modern one as I think I would not be prepared enough for a classic such as The Phantom of the Opera. I know they are in different genre but it would be best to start out with a musical that had a mixture of drama, comedy and action; it keeps you more interested.

The modern musical I saw was Wicked, the story that was before Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ. It was original a book by Gregory Maguire in which became so popular that it was re written for the stage and boy it now makes me want to go out and buy the book! The cast I saw were highly talented and could sing amazingly, but I guess that is to be expected when it been on Broadway for almost 10 years!! It was also quite fun when we realised that the Wizard was a Kiwi, the whole audience cheered and it made me smile to think that in a semi formal setting we cannot help but applaud and be proud at how well they are doing!!

So take a chance, try something new! I did and I certainly do not have any regrets on that aspect.



Saturday, September 7, 2013

Spring is upon us!

Wherever you may be are in the world, time seems to be going at a rapid pace! The seasons seem to change at blink of an eye. So for the first week of Spring I thought I would give a collaboration of both a procrastination post and a beauty review. Get ready southern hemisphere the sunshine is coming, so get that sunscreen out and floppy hats!

  • This article on matte skin is perfect! I love, love, love matte skin... 
  • I am in love with Marie Forleo, her vlog on how to follow through has definitely made more focused on how to complete all the projects I start.
  • One thing that has surprised me is how my taste varies from the mainstream population, as much as I like current trends as the next woman, I ended up wearing the most peculiar things during the seasons. What I am talking about is this opi nail polish!

Beauty Review

I was given this as a present from my sister, sometimes the simplest gifts are the best. This is a limited edition spray, though product inside is the same as the normal white packaging only that the money is donated to the pink ribbon foundation. To my surprise there was no white mark in my shirt after wearing it all day, the scent was not harsh and it lasted me a good amount of time, you cannot really review too much on this product unless you go into the details of chemicals in it; which I am not going to do. Reasonably priced if you are looking for a no fuss antiperspirant I say give it a go!

This product has been raved about and criticised just as much, I like the packaging of this mascara and the size. What some people do not realise is that it can become annoying having such a large mascara, especially if you want to keep it in your purse as a top up. It lasted all day, however it did flake a little near the end of the night; but by then I don't care how it is I just want to take it off! I am a non waterproof kind of girl, I find it easy to take off this mascara at night and it builds up very nicely to make a fuller voluminous effect. At the pricier end of the drugstore range, for me it has been worth every penny and I haven't yet found a same priced mascara that can beat it. 

As much as I like to deny it, I am aging and as many beauty gurus says your need to start using anti aging cream even before there are signs of wrinkles! Well the first thing I noticed about the product was the smell, it smelt to me like baby powder which is definitely not my kind of smell that I would enjoy...however it has grown on my and I don't mind it anymore. As to application it is easy to spread on and sinks into your skin very quickly without leaving too much shine, with moisturisers that have SPF in them there is always going to be a hint of shine as one of the components that makes up SPF has a shine factor to it. But hey isn't that what powder and foundation are for? make the shine go away?? I am still halfway through this product so I would have to say I do notice that my skin has adapted to this product well, there has been no breakout using this product and my skin does seem to have a little bit more of a glow to it. So I do give it a thumbs up for a basic anti wrinkle cream, not sure how it would benefit someone who is trying to decrease more predominant lines.

Lastly I did find this brief overview of Spring Trends for 2013 my favourite in this clip was the sea foam and pistachio trend, check it out if you want some ideas!!

Until next time,
Peace Out